
Updated on September 6, 2024 at 7:22:42 pm CEST.

Stash: HMATevKkCxh3Z4gDJuqeB19ckmoxXN7RH7dfSPq1HhciX77

Rank: 4192
Commission: 15.0 %
Nb of faults: 3
Valid: True

Individual scores: latest

Your total score at 1kv is the sum of several individual scores, multiplied by a small random factor.

SpanInclusionActive for last 28 eras167.2/220
InclusionActive for last 84 eras183.3/220
NominatorsAmount of nominations (except by 1kv)41.8/100
ProviderProvider shared by other validators47.3/100
BondedAmount of self bond0.0/50
LocationLocation shared by other validators0.0/40
NominatedLast time nominated by 1kv4.8/100
RegionRegion shared by other validators0.0/10
CountryCountry shared by other validators6.8/10
RankRank in 1kv50.0/50
DiscoveredJoin date in 1kv29.6/30
FaultsNumber of on chain faults3.9/5
OfflineOffline during this week2.0/2
AggregateSum of all scores536.8/937
RandomnessRandom positive multiplicative factor1.03/1.15
ScoreFinal score in 1kv553.2/1078

Score retrieved from 1kv backend on September 06, 2024 at 4:58:21 PM UTC.

Score last calculated by backend on September 04, 2024 at 5:53:16 PM UTC.

Individual scores: history over last 200 eras

Each dot is a new value given by the 1kv backend. Lines indicate no update. For all scores, higher is better.


Active set inclusion




Span inclusion





The 1kv angel

For some scores, it is possible to recompute the exact value based on the latest (and most up to date) information. This is listed as theoretical score in the table below. Small differences with the reported score are normal since the 1kv backend computes the scores with slightly older information. Big differences, however, indicate a bug.

TypeValuereported 1kv scoretheoretical score
LocationWarsaw (occurs 57 times)0.00.0

Age of scores calculated by 1kv backend at the time of the latest data retrieval: 47.0 hours and 5 seconds.